You've probably found this page because you're interested in gaining freedom from sugar, or food, or dieting, or body image, and enjoying all the benefits! See more below, or request your e-book to get more info.
I offer 1:1 coaching in eating, food/sugar addiction and freedom from diet culture. I have a Masters of Social Work and am registered with the Ontario College of Social Workers. Recovery is NOT a diet; it's about learning to live a fully engaged life. I view myself as your guide to help you live your best life!
4-part workshop designed to help you learn why boundaries are important, how they can impact your own recovery, signs that you might need them, AND ways to set them with others and with yourself to keep your recovery on track. There is a lot of practical content here that will have you designing and practicing your own boundaries.
This course is for you if: you suspect you might be giving too much 'weight' to your weight; if you have ever allowed the scale to have power over your mood, day, actions, confidence; if you are tired of giving too much thought or priority to your weight; or if you just want to know more about the BMI, weight and health, weight stigma, weight bias, and what weight loss does to us physically and mentally.
In 4 video sessions, we’re going to cover: What the Enneagram is how you can use it to accelerate your recover; The 3 centers of intelligence (gut, head and heart) and which ones are dominant and repressed for us; Basics desires and core motivations - these are the things that propel us into behaviours that sometimes mystify us; Core fears; Childhood messages that we received and the ones that got lost; How to grow in your number.
"I think one of the most important steps I took to successfully overcome and recover from my food addiction was to honestly admit to myself how big the problem was.
I finally took the step to call it an addiction.
So at the beginning it was very useful to do the MYFAS (Modified Yale Food Addiction Scale). Bethany evaluated it for me and came to the same conclusion as I did: food addiction
As devastating as it was, this diagnosis of food addiction was the first step toward freedom for me because I can't deal with something that doesn't exist. I was told for years that it was all down to a lack of discipline, and that moderation was the way to go. But for me, only abstinence from certain highly processed food groups (like sugar, flour and high fructose) and starchy vegetables and fruits helped.
Here too, it is absolutely helpful to be supported in drawing up a list of foods according to the traffic light principle. Red - what I do not want to eat under any circumstances; Orange/Yellow - what I want to eat in certain quantities; and Green - what I can and want to eat until I feel full and satisfied. Bethany can be very helpful here, because this list is completely individual and so are the quantities you need. It will also change over time and it's good to have someone you can discuss this with beforehand so that a slip doesn't turn into a relapse.
And since I have a Masters Degree in Social Work and various additional therapeutic training courses, I was looking for a woman with professional training and outstanding human qualities. I found this in Bethany.
She is not above the subject, but has her own experience with it. She is smart and always up to date with the latest scientific studies on the subject. At the same time, she is warm-hearted, empathetic and yet so structured that she never loses the thread in a session. She always asked the right questions and knew exactly when I needed more empathy and understanding for myself. And based on this appreciation, she developed a plan for disciplined and consistent action together with me.
Becoming capable of acting and being self-effective again - what an invaluable gift. Together with increasing physical and mental health, this is an invaluable and precious commodity!
I would have invested so much more (this was the low point in my life) and Bethany gave me help for a new start. I can only say it was worth more than I paid ... so much more.
Thank you, Bethany!"
The work I have done with Bethany has been transformative. She has a way of showing me what works for me. I need to take a harm reduction approach for my sugar addiction and she was supportive and guided me to discover that on my own, which was very empowering. She taught and showed me that the "baby steps" I was taking actually add up to big accomplishments and gains! She reminded me of my progress, many times when I could not see it on my own. The results are not only seen in my harm reduction approach to sugar, but also how this floods to other areas of my life. I am more calm, compassionate with myself and others, and am able to see the world with more clarity.
Bethany was consistently passionate, professional, calm and patient. She created a space for me to be vulnerable, sharing my truths, my struggles and everything in between. And in creating this space is where my self-discovery happened. I would not have discovered what I did without her and am truly grateful for her leading and guiding me.
I valued her ability to reframe things softly and compassionately for me. I struggle with a strong inner critic and she empowered me to challenge that inner critic. She shared her own struggles at times which helped made me feel less alone and knew she understood some of the issues I was dealing with as she had her own story.
Overall, I feel more at peace, with myself, others and around food. And when my food choices are not 100%, I can be curious, compassionate and challenge my inner critic around what is going on. Bethany taught me to be curious and dive deeper into myself. She listened, validated and empowered me. I walk away with gratitude, knowledge, self-discovery, self-compassion, awareness and an appreciation for myself that I didn’t have before.
When I first started working with Bethany, we focused on triggers and foods to avoid. But over time, we went deeper into more personal topics. Why I was going back to the food, how I was using it as a coping mechanism and so much more. Bethany showed me there are other healthy coping skills I could choose instead. In some of our sessions, we practiced them in real time which was helpful for me to then implement on my own.
Bethany arrived at a time in my life that I needed and am so grateful for working with her and what she provided to me. She will help you reach your goals, and she will help identify what those goals are that YOU want to achieve. She is amazing.
"Bethany is insightful and very knowledgeable about the topic. I hope she continues building on the information with additional courses." - Norene Q. (Enneagram)
"The content was well arranged and well portioned, and also very relevant for a sugar addict. The presenter was articulate and gave real examples. Live sessions, homework and exercises added amazing value to the workshop." - Anonymous (Boundaries)
"Bethany's style was so pleasant, and open....and I didn't feel like she was trying to force theories or ideas on me, which made me more receptive to hearing and learning." - Anonymous (You Are Not What You Weigh)
"Bethany’s style was relaxed, reassuring and conversational. She spent a lot of her “air time” putting the information on the slides into the context of her own life, general examples, and participants’ lives. That was helpful in more deeply understanding the principles of boundary setting." - Shirley Smith (Boundaries)
“Bethany did an amazing job. She was able to hold a space for everyone in the group to share their truths, questions and confusions. She did this with compassion, grace and patience. Bethany was able to give time to people who needed it and ensure everyone was seen and heard. She is very skilled at what she does." - Laura M. (Enneagram)
"This enneagram course was a great introduction to something I knew nothing about. It has made me stop and think about how my childhood traumas, that I thought were just in my past, have probably shaped me more than I realized and how the food has always been my solution" - Debbie M. (Enneagram)
"Bethany is amazing, has such a gentle, warm and caring way of sharing information. Her passion and knowledge for the Enneagram shines through and makes the class worth attending. I had to watch the last two sessions on video, but I actually felt like I was participating in the class. I can't wait for Part II." - Karen (Enneagram)
"I enjoyed the group/people during this course, hearing their stories and experiences. As well I love, love Bethany! She is so eloquent and articulate as well as smart, compassionate and understands the material so well! I really enjoyed her as a teacher and counselor." - Anonymous (Surviving the Holidays)
Bethany coached me the Summer and Fall of 2021 in helping me become sugar free. Her vast knowledge of lifestyle change coupled with the necessary behavioral changes impressed me. She brings first hand experience - "she has lived it" which brings both compassion and a deeper understanding for her clients.
She has incredible resources to share in terms of links, articles, books and podcasts that she has personally vetted. Her personality is both warm and non-judgmental, allowing for full transparency and honesty to fully engage in discussions around food and emotions in how it affects our day to day mindset and eating. She then provides tangible suggestions for roadblocks.
The daily e-mail she provides brings a fresh perspective with many recipes and articles; never the same message twice; she has a full complement of interesting content and variety.
If you have an inkling that a coach is what you may need to support your journey, I encourage you to jump in with Bethany; you will not regret having her stand beside you to teach you and encourage you on your journey. Whether you are new to becoming sugar free or need tweaks, you can trust you will gain both a friend and a vast array of knowledge to move toward your goals.
Bethany is a wonderful coach - inspiring, insightful, encouraging and compassionate. And her 12- week sugar-free program has been a great experience for me. When I came to Bethany just over 3 months ago, I had been trying to reduce sugar and caffeine in my diet for a few years on my own, but never lasted more than a day or two. I needed help to kick sugar and caffeine. In the last 12 weeks I have been able to reduce my intake of caffeine and added sugar to almost nothing. Just imagine – I have not had a single cup of coffee or black tea, or a single chocolate chip cookie in 12 weeks! And I don’t feel deprived! I feel confident that I have a new set of healthier habits that I can sustain. I highly recommend Bethany and her sugar-free program to anyone trying to kick the sugar habit.
In this Sweet Sobriety video, I share my story, and Molly and I chat about what it's like to be a two-hatter - helping others while maintaining your own recovery from sugar and food addiction.
This recording was made while I spoke to a group of Sweet Sobriety participants. I was one of 3 people honoured to share my story of hope and resilience.
In this video, I chat with Cynthia Myers-Morrison from the Food Addiction Institute about the impact that clutter has on our brains and our recovery, and what we can do about it.
In this episode of the Food Junkies Podcast (my favourite podcast!), Molly, Clarissa, and Bethany talk about how to find a good fit for YOU when it comes to a professional helper for sugar and food addiction. We give you ideas and questions to ask any professional you are interviewing and cover the following topics: education & qualifications, confidentiality, professional standards, treatment styles, scheduling, costs and cancellation/refund policies.
Listen to Bethany's touching, insightful, and inspiring story as she tells how peace with food is now her number one goal (instead of being at a goal weight).
If you're anything like me, you feel like you've been battling your body, perhaps in recent years, or perhaps for your whole life.
You've tried programs, even some crazy ones, lost and gained weight many times over.
You've tried to "eat healthy", but with all the noise out there, it's JUST.SO.CONFUSING. It's hard to know what to eat, right?
Time to Symplicate things. Time to declutter your diet.
Perhaps you're addicted to sugar. I can hear you now. "Addicted?!? To sugar?!?! Nope, not me." That's what I thought, too. And I also thought I couldn't live without it. (I know, I know - that denial should have been clue number one, right?)
I have found that I live my best life without it, and I can experience a freedom that I'd never known before when it comes to food and battling my body.
No matter what you've been told, your body simply doesn't need any sugar. Your brain doesn't need it either, but it tells you it does. Sneaky brain!
When you work with me, you're going to learn to:
Ready to learn more? Click below for your free consultation!
Today could be the day you can take a big step towards a healthier you!
Copyright © 2019 Symplicated Inc - All Rights Reserved.
Published 2021
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